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Creating a portfolio

· One min read
Front-end developer

One of the biggest tasks to tackle after completing a Bootcamp or development certification course is to create your porfolio site to show your skills.

You can create a site from scratch which is always a good excerise but you can also use existing tools or templates to show you know how to integrate your knowledge with existing content.

When I created my first portfolio, I created it from scratch.

I did this öostly as practice and showcase my newly acquired skills. I soon want to improve on this portfolio but I didn't know how.

After going through the interview proces for a new job I was introduced to Docusaurus. I found this static-site generator to be exactly what I was looking for. If you like working with React and Markdown you will find this site is super user-friendly and easy to create and adapt your content to fit your needs.

This blog and my portfolio were created with Docusaurus and is hosted on Netlify.